Environmental Health has a point value system that places greater emphasis on critical violations that contribute to illness.

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Inspection History

The inspection history you have selected is displayed below. What appears below the inspection date are the items that were found to be out of compliance during that inspection, and each inspection may have zero or more violations.

Conditions posted here and noted on the inspection form represent violations found during the actual inspection on the date listed. The facility's current condition may be different.

The facility operator must make a copy of the most recent inspection report available to the public. All inspection reports are also available for public review, via the Public Information Request process at the San Luis Obispo County Environmental Health Office.

Please note, a food facility inspection score represents the results of a regular, unannounced, inspection. Cottage Food Facilities, Public Swimming and Spa facilities as well as Body Art facilities, are pass/fail and no score is issued. For Food facilities, the absence of a score indicates that the inspection for that specific date was either a follow up inspection (reinspection) to confirm compliance with one or more violations noted on the regular inspection.

Click on the plus sign for inspection details.

Facility Details
Address 191 S OAK PARK BLVD

Google Maps

  GROVER BEACH, CA 93444  
Phone 805-709-2831

Date Inspection Type Service Performed Score Expand All
01/11/2024 Food Facility Inspection Expand/Collapse REGULAR INSPECTION

12/06/2022 Food Facility Inspection Expand/Collapse REGULAR INSPECTION

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